About emerging oil painter, Alicia Donison from Colorado Springs

About me

When I started painting 4 years ago I was living in Breckenridge, CO, far from the ones I loved most. My first massage job ever was up there, and so was the solitude I needed to become reacquainted with the artist within.

First my paintings were colorful and silly- I already was quite good at realistic black and white portrait drawings- color was what I wanted to play with. After a year or so playing, my eye for color was ready to enhance the realistic portraits I’ve always had a knack for.

Skill and fun combined with my passion for the human form and individual energy has come together to forge so many works of the people I love. It is so hard to see my people go after spending countless hours gazing into their magic…but to know that someone else, in their own home, gets to feel what I felt while creating a painting is priceless.

Let’s combine our visions and bring more beauty and joy to this life.