Uncle Morgan

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Oil on canvas


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Oil on canvas


Oil on canvas


A tribute to my partner Buzz’s late brother. Not brothers by blood, but by choice. Buzz’s son, Milo’s: Uncle Morgan. Morgan, or Sunshine, left this world without warning in the Spring of 2022. His brothers fought battles with him. They played. And hurt. And cried and laughed. Drank, chased women. Watched each other’s backs. And through watching this chosen family do life together…many of us in the same apartment complex… I got to watch Morgan step in to be the unlikely father figure. The youngest of their group, only 22, he created a life of stability for his brothers. They’re doing fine now, but they have to find their own feet. Have to fight their own demons and take a step back from brotherhood, for those things are much harder when there is no more Sunshine lighting up the sky.

Milo still talks about Morgan to this day. I’m not sure how much he actually remembers. One thing is for sure though, he will never forget the impact that man had on his father and this family.